Nizamabad,February 19,(
The Women and Child Welfare Department has been instrumental in bringing all online. Is Anganwadi Center in a rented building? In the ancient building? How long is it without a teacher? Are you How many children and mothers are coming to the center? The details are now available online. Geo talking the information about the Anganwadi centers to this extent. The mobile welfare department has provided a mobile app for this purpose. Where is the Center for State Level Officers? What is its condition? That branch has been linked to the geo tagging system. Geo tagging has been decided by all Anganwadi centers in the state. A special app has been made available for this. In Google, the infant welfare department went to e-Sadan and informed the app that they would download this website. If there is a smartphone downloading the app, there is a possibility of geo tagging.
This decision has been made that every Anganwadi information is available to all the officials. Geo tagging should be done by the Department Director Vijendra Boi in the past also has given special training to CDPOs across the state. Anganwadi centers are the Anganwadi supervisors who are responsible for geo tagging. An Anganwadi teacher can also do the same. Are you uploading all the details? Or not? The contents of the relevant CDPOs are supposed to be monitored. Bhadrachri has issued orders to upload 2060 Anganwadi centers in the new district to be released next month. The user ID password will also be given to supervisors to download the app for this. Open the App by this password and upload the Anganwadi Center, its children, teacher, and the appropriate photo.
The tagging program has completed almost 90 per cent of the 11 projects in the district. Another 10 percent of the centers are geo-tagging. Officials say that all the services are done with Geo Tagging, just for Anganwadi centers. The Ag Aanwadi Center has also brought the Egg App System available to help children or mothers get access to services. Every mother and baby are connected to Aadhaar by online processes through NHTS. How many children in the center of the food have eaten food? The thing is known through online. Hence there is no scarcity that can happen somewhere. The details of the stamp to the Anganwadi centers are also indented online. Information available to the respective contractor is also available for the purpose of stocking the stocks online. These new reforms, which are step-by-step, are unlawful in anganwadis.