Nizamabad, March 9, (
The state government has issued a notification for entrance examination in the schools which are counter to corporate schools.Public schools have facilities offered by State government ,so Particularly heavy competition for admissions in Gurukulam schools.A total of 2,400 Admissions will be conducted in 30 Gurukula schools across the district.There are many instances where students who study in Gurukul schools have recognized their skills in sports and higher studies.Girls and boys' gurukul schools are continuing under the five branches of the state.Social Welfare Tribunals (SC), Tribal Welfare (ST), Mahatma Gandhi Phule (BC), Minority Welfare and General Gurukula Schools are there.Providing quality education to the poorer students through the government.The achievements of students studying in Gurukul schools in the state are in the country as a whole.Until last year, the undergraduate school under the supervision of the gurukula school received applications through the same department and took the seats with competitive examination.
The state government will jointly conduct a joint competition as part of the KG to PG.The government is providing free education, meals and minimum facilities in various courses from 5th class to 10th class 10 along with intermediate and Degree.There are 16 SCs in Girls (8 for boys, 8 for boys), 1 ST (girls), 6 Minority (girls -3, boys -3), 6 BC (girls -1, boys 5), general 1 girls gurukul school.80 students will be selected on the basis of reservation for one school, two for section each school. 40 students for each section. the Government recognized schools 4th class students have to apply for this test conducted In April.SC / ST students should be born between September 1, 2005 and August 31, 2009.BC, OC students should be born from 1 September 2007 to 31 August 2009 are eligible.Annual income of rural students in rural areas should not be more than Rs.1.50 lakhs and urban residents can not exceed Rs.2 lakh.Tgset paying examination fee of Rs.50. The website is to be submitted by March 16.The test will be from 11 am to 1 pm on April 8th. The exam is conducted in a hundred mark paper objective process.There are questions in English, English, 25, Mathematics 25, Neighborhood Knowledge 25 and Mental Ability 5. Students will have to answer the OMR answer paper.