Hyderabad, April 5, (way2newstv.in):
Over the past week, the sun has been burning as the fire and the temperatures are high. By the end of the last two days, 39 degrees of daytime temperatures reached 41 degrees as of Tuesday, the city's people are sweating. in the last week of the month the temperatures that are likely to be impacted at the beginning of the month. Situation in the morning at 9 o'clock. Employees and passengers are sunny. Now, people are concerned about the future situation. On the other hand, even after 5 o'clock in the evening, the elderly and the younger children are facing severe heat. The city of Hyderabad is completely sweating, and the wind is getting more and more difficult. Winds are getting worse for 12 hours a night. Passenger loads on the roads are becoming increasingly colorful as more fuel is increased due to firewood pollution. Additionally, the cars are almost exhausted and the heat goes out of the road and the signals can not get on the road. As the temperature rises during the day and the humidity falling in the air, especially the bicycles and passengers are getting on the roads. But the weekly temperatures are likely to rise further and the Department of Environment not only reveals that people should remain alert.