DO NOT CULTIVATE IF NOT LICENSED - Way2News TV - Breaking News, Latest News, Politics News, Business News



Ongole, January 20, (
From tobacco cultivation to marketing, everything is online. The cultivator, which is known as the Muthubai commercial trade, is anchored online.
How many farmers have cultivated in the acreage, yield on the respective cultivation, tobacco bidding in the auction center and the companies paid to farmers are online. The Tobacco Board has detected new and more stringent measures this year as the transparency of the activities is clear. The Tobacco Board recognizes farmers who are not licensed to farmers who are licensed to tobacco farming and sell tobacco.

                                              DO NOT CULTIVATE IF NOT LICENSED

Tobacco Board law requires only registered farmers to register tobacco. The tobacco board has to be informed before farmers do not have any tobacco for any reason. Tobacco Board Regional Manager K. Chandrasekhar told TOI to file returns that do not produce tobacco.
Farmers who have been licensed from the Tobacco Board are not allowed to cultivate the crop for the next year, unless it is permitted to cultivate the next year or not for the next year. To give lease Tondani recognized the tobacco board. Furthermore, the Board recognizes that some other farmers are selling tobacco on their name at auction center, or another farmer in a farmer's quota, and illegally buying tobacco tobacco from illegal tobacco and trying to sell it at the auction center. In addition to tobacco control, the farmer has been trying to sell tobacco to other tobacco farmers in auction at his name, according to the provisions of the Bank Auction Rules.

 Regional Manager Chandrasekhar said in a statement, "We can stop the sale of tobacco products and cancel licenses and take appropriate action. The Tobacco Board's ultimate goal is to ensure that the welfare of the real farmers, so that the farmers who have not received tobacco will be required to file a nil returns. Farmers who do not use tobacco barrons are also considered non-tobacco farmers. If the banners are not used for curing for any reason, the board has to disclose it. The Tobacco Board is also serious about the efforts of farmers to sell their products outside of the specified auction center. The Tobacco Board is very strict about such efforts and the authorities have noted that if the Board does not act in favor of the farmer's welfare, it would be difficult for the farmers to survive. Regional Manager Chandrasekhar said that the board has a license to issue licenses, which are always supervised by farmers participating in unauthorized activities, and checks by tobacco board officials and vigilance officers. Regional manager Chandrasekhar appealed to cooperate with the farmers to ensure justice for the farmers who have been forced to work so that the tobacco board would take appropriate action against the farmers who illegally used the license.