TELUGU TEJAM ANUDEEP IN TELANGANA - Way2News TV - Breaking News, Latest News, Politics News, Business News



Hyderabad, April 28, (
In the prestigious Civil Services Examination, Telengana Durgeshty Anudeep Topper was reported to have taken place. 2013 Batch IRS officer Anupeep .. IAS targeted the number one rank in the fourth attempt to achieve the goal. Metpalli district of the present Jagityala (old Karimnagar district) district His father was Durisetti Manohar Additional Assistant Engineer. Mother Jyoti Housewife. The family has been residing in Adarsh ​​Nagar in Metpalli town. The primary education was completed at Sri Suryodaya High School, Anudeep Metpalli. Intermediate at Sri Chaitanya Jr. College. Later in 2011 Bits had been electrolytic and instrumentation from Bits Pilani and Rajasthan. 


The UPSC Civil Services initiative was inaugurated. Anudeep, who is the target of Civil Services, has achieved 790 rankings in the second attempt in 2013. Indian Revenue Services (IRS) The IRS trainee batch has a wonderful talent. NISA was awarded the Best Trainer Officer from Hyderabad. Central Customs at Madapur in Hyderabad is currently working as Assistant Commissioner of GSP. Many are expressing their feelings about the possibility of being an advisor to be a tapper. Anudeep's parents were happy about their son being a civil suit tapper. Anudeep's father Manohar said that this rank was without any training. While doing the job, I was very much concerned about the number one rank.