Bangalore, March 3, (
Modi and Amit Shah are dotted in South India ... There is a great deal of good in Karnataka only ... In Karnataka, the elections are to be held in May accordingly ... But in the present situation, the BJP can not win in Karnataka ... There are many reasons... but in Karnataka and in South India the rest of the states Amit Shah, and Modi's idea ... But that is not the case ... The BJP situation in Karnataka is worse ... fighting corruption, Shah ... as well as Modi's stepping on the southern states is also the cause of the people's anger ... On the other hand, There are no people who do not have a vote for the original BJP ... There is a mood of the Telugu people in Karnataka that the BJP is going to come to the minds of the BJP ...
All of these are political analysts say that the BJP loses .. If it fails, , Will take over the Shah .. So Modi, Shah, are you afraid of the first time? Yes, there are no signs of coming ... Karnataka National Emergency Response to the Government of Karnataka has been requested to cooperate with the government for six months ... National News: One Nation, One of the Elections to be postponed by the Karnataka Elections to November, That letter can be reached simultaneously ... the states' consent According to the Election Commission, the Center will inform the Election Commission ... But there are reports that the Karnataka government has not reacted to it ... But behind the scenes, the situation in Karnataka has not been good. Gujarat polls also show flooding and postponed to a few months Bringing up